Compound feed for layers (21–45weeks)
Compound feed for layers
General Characteristics:
Mentioned product is a balanced, completed and perfectly prepared compound feed that is designed for 21-45 weeks age layers. Compound Feed for layers is produced according HACCP standard and modern laboratory methods are used to control product quality.
Recommended use:
Daily dosage norm is 110-120 gr per wing. The food is given in a dry form according demand, with drinking water, without additives.
Energy |
kc/100gr |
270 |
Threonine |
% |
0,56 |
Crude Protein |
% |
16,8 |
Ca |
% |
3,75 |
Crude Fat |
% |
3,92 |
P |
% |
0,55 |
Citric Acid |
% |
2 |
P digestible |
% |
0,38 |
Crude Fibre |
% |
5,9 |
Na |
% |
0,16 |
Lysine |
% |
0,79 |
NaCl |
% |
0,33 |
Methionine |
% |
0,42 |
Mthionine+cystitis |
% |
0,73 |
Used ingredients:
Corn, wheat, soybean meal, Sunflower meal, plant oil, protein of animal origin, premixes, aminoacids, Calcium, phosphorus, anti-toxins, enzymes.
keep in a dry and cool place, away from sun lights.
Shelf life:
120 days after roduction. The date of production is indicated on the bag label.
Product form:
25 kg double bags of polypropylene